Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ecuadorians know how to party...

Sunday was a little busy, and certainly lasted longer than expected.
During daylight, it was very much an extension of the day before, with
some more wandering and some more shops, and some more pictures of old
Quito. After that, however, there were two small gatherings planned
in preparation for the wedding...one for H and one for J. I can't say
how the girls did, but we had quite a bit of fun. There were almost
enough guitars to go around, a little beer, a lot of sangria, and even
more whisky. This was where the Frankenstein-like hybrid 'frisky' was
created, born of too much fruit left over when the sangria had been
consumed and too much sangria having been consumed to know better than
to mix the fruit with the whisky. It was disturbingly tasty, though.
A good time was had by all, and we managed to keep things going until
~5 AM. There was some suffering the next day, but it was worth it.

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